How to make Sales on Facebook Live Video Step-by-Step

How to make Sales on Facebook Live Video Step-by-Step

Live video is breaking the algorithm. It is getting harder and harder for content to be seen on social media, even to your own audience, without paying for it. Live Video, still relatively new to a lot of platforms, is currently getting prioritized in people's news feeds and notifications organically. Facebook, Instagram, Periscope and YouTube are just some of the platforms that support live streaming.

Here is how to make SALES from your live stream video:

  1. Start with grabbing their attention in the first 10 seconds. "Hey!"
  2. Explain exactly what they will learn and what value they will gain.
    Don't delay content to let an audience build (i.e., "We are going to wait while more people come on board before we start.").
  3. Explain why you are qualified to give advice on this topic. What is your experience, publications, certification, etc.?
  4. Explain the problem and your experience with it.
  5. Explain how you solved the problem. Tell the story of how you found the solution.
  6. Show or explain what is possible with that solution. Have testimonies. Explain the benefits you had in detail.
  7. What is your Unique Selling Proposition or USP? How is what you offer or how you explain it different from the competition?
  8. Explain in detail exactly what they are going to get in your product.
  9. Now do a Price Juxtaposition. Compare it to other more expensive possibilities, routes with less effective results.
    Explain how your product will save them time.
  10. Instill a sense of urgency by explaining why they need to buy today. Offer them a limited time offer or bonus if they buy within the next half hour.
  11. Spend time building a database of effective testimonials to help you sell.
  12. Now give them a guarantee like a 30-day money back guarantee or a free trial.
  13. End with your call-to-action. Let them know exactly what they need to do in order to get your offer.

Take advantage of live video before corporations flood this space.


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