3 Ways to get Media Coverage for Free

3 Ways to get Media Coverage for Free

1. Build relationships with journalists and press on twitter to get media attention for your business. Follow journalists and media outlets on twitter and engage with them. Follow their top followers, Retweet their content and add them to a public Twitter List so they are notified.

Use and Follow the hashtags and keywords that they use in their tweets.
This could include:
#haro #profnet #Journorequest #PRrequest #Bloggerrequest #Bloggerrequest #HelpAReporter #UrgHaro

Follow Twitter accounts that help you get connected with media outlets. This includes @profnet (twitter.com/profnet) and @helpareporter

2. When a journalist is writing a story about a niche topic and they need an expert to quote, they can turn to ProfNet.com
They log into the ProfNet site to search for an expert in the topic. The expert helps the journalist with a quote and potentially gets publicity when published.

3. HARO (helpareporter.com) provides journalists with a large database of sources for upcoming stories. The sources, if used, can get valuable media coverage from the exchange. HARO has 35,000+ journalists & 475,000+ sources.


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