How to design and write a Landing Page with Sales Copy

How to design and write a Landing Page with Sales Copy

You get targeted traffic, how do you get them to take action once they arrive to your site? It's all about Copywriting/Sales Copy.

Without it, you are wasting your time and money getting traffic to just lose them if they don't take any action once they get to your site.

Yes, design is important, but writing the right way is key to convince the reader to take action like buy, opt-in, etc.


Here are some tips:

Write your copy like you are talking to a single person.

Start with a killer Headline. Grab their attention and pull the reader into the copy. Take the end result the reader wants, handle their objection and then give a time frame. "Your Car Sold in 30 days or I'll buy it!" They want to sell their car, it will be done in 30 days, and any objection is taken away by the advertiser buying the car. You can include a size of a claim (100,000 new clients last month...).  Some of the emotions you can hit in a headline can include:

Curiosity (Find out how...)

Fear (bring up a worst case scenario they want to avoid)

Pain (Are you sick of...?)

Convenience (The easy way to...)

Lazy (Done with little effort)

Greed (Boost your income...)

Ego (Manage like a billionaire...)

Anger (Tired of...?)

Features and Benefits

Benefits show what the features do. Be sure to highlight the benefits, not just the features. What motives do the features satisfy.



Quote positive testimonials and credible publications.  Show stats in your industry that are related to what you are offering.

Testimonials that quote figures and the feeling they got from it can help the most.

Use testimonials everywhere, even the sign-up page.


Risk Reversal

You can guarantee their money back.

You can guarantee more than their money back.

You can promise 100% confidence (emotional guarantee).



Tell the reader what to do, how to do it and when you want them to do it. You can have the actionable step as a Big Button they can click on to carry it out. It has to be clear what exactly you want them to do.  "Get Started Now."

Be specific more than just "sign up".

Let them know how much time and effort to setup. "2 minute setup. Click here to get started."



You can include a FAQ on your landing page, especially if you get a lot of the same customer support questions.


Rule of Three

Often times, you will see slogans that are 3 words long. "Just do it."

You can list benefits in a list of 3.


Passive and Action Colors

An item that stands out gets remembered. Use the same color button for your call-to-action buttons and don't use that color for anything else.

(i.e. Green Join Now button)


All the above concepts can also be used to write an effective follow-up email.


Write an attention grabbing subject line.


Introduce facts that pique their interest. i.e. Stats that people might find interesting.


Have them imagine themselves experiencing the benefits of your product and how they would feel.


End with a specific call-to-action.


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