Best Stock Photo Sites and Avoid Email Marketing Spam Filter

Best Stock Photo Sites and Avoid Email Marketing Spam Filter

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Best Stock Photo Sites
One of our members asks if he owns stock photos.

*I'm not a lawyer so this is not legal advice

Owning is probably not the right word for it because I implies you own the photograph and you could potentially sue other people for using it it's it's not like that. Stock photos are license free meaning that you can use the stock photo for potentially anything you want including commercial purposes for your website and for your social media without getting sued by the original creator.

If you get photos from a stock photo website then obviously other people can use it as well so it's not like you're the only person that has the rights to it.

If you just do a Google image search and just use random photos from there for your videos or your website you could get potentially sued by the owner of those photos or you could at least get a cease and desist letter asking you to take it off.

If you just go into Google and type in "free stock photos" you'll see a bunch of websites that offer that kind of stuff but the problem with that is that is if you're using a free stock photo from those websites there are going to be a ton of other people also using it and it's gonna look very generic so it might affect your brand or your conversion rate.

Various paid stock photo sites have different plans. Some you pay them per photo but the most effective way is to use a company called
I'm not an affiliate so there's no join link. They charge you one flat fee and you can use unlimited numbers of photos.

Avoid Email Marketing Spam Filter

Another question we got from one of our members is, "I sent out a newsletter and I don't see it in my inbox."

The reach with email marketing has dropped because email services like Gmail or hotmail or yahoo they've all gotten better at filtering out spam and the spam filters have just gotten more strict so a lot of people's emails are ending up in people's spam boxes.

The service that I use is Aweber so if you go to
these are all the services that I use or have used for clients I use for clients because the pricing is good and the services are reliable. Click through our affiliate banner and you will get a free trial.

Another reason why emails are not showing up in your inbox is probably because either you've already subscribed with that email so it's not triggering the response for your email service to send you that email or it's ending up in your spam filter so you gotta check your spam box and see if it's in there.

A third possibility is that you keep subscribing unsubscribing with the same email until that IP address is blocked by your email service.

To lower your chances of having your emails end up in spam boxes, avoid using free Email services to send out your newsletter and run your email through tools that check how likely your newsletter will be filtered out as spam. For example, certain keywords in the title could increase the chances of your email being sent to peoples' spam boxes like using the phrase "Free Offer!" in the subject line.


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