Digital Marketing Jobs

Digital Marketing Jobs

Digital Marketing Jobs come in a wide variety of sorts. You can get a standard employed W2 working for a large corporation or maybe a good marketing company or you can be on your own making your own company or freelance as an independent contractor. It all depends on what type of lifestyle and income you want. As a freelancer, you will be doing a lot of gigs and possibly a lot of sales to get new clients while maintaining customer support for your current clients.

Less though about jobs is actually using your marketing skills to make money directly like affiliate marketing, drop shipping, informational products, etc. Though not a traditional job, it is possible to create the lifestyle you want if you become skilled at what you do.

The downside is there is no barrier to entry or official certification for digital marketing other than a marketing degree which may not translate into actually getting clients results in the real world where digital marketing changes every year as the landscape changes.

Go for what you want, but have a plan B.


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